Anticipating the Season
Planning for the upcoming growing season at City Fresh usually involves fun stuff like sprouting seeds, meeting with farmers, talking to potential volunteers, and looking for new ways to improve Fresh Stops. This year, it’s a little bit of all of that, but with the added tension we’re all feeling under COVID-19. We’re developing contingency plans to make sure that our season goes as smoothly as possible so we can continue to feed Northeast Ohio while keeping everyone safe.
To help keep us all healthy this season, we encourage everyone to order shares online using a credit or debit card. You can order one week at a time or for multiple weeks. You can alternate share sizes or skip weeks altogether! Ordering online means less direct interaction at our stops.
Those using SNAP will still need to have their payment processed in person, in accordance with law. Arrangements will be made to make this a “No Touch” exchange.
We are anticipating needing to pre-package all shares this season to help maintain social distancing. We’ll offer more details closer to June.
Cooking and eating at home has become the new normal for lots of folks and we hope you’re excited to get your hands on some super fresh local veggies come June. They’re good for your body and they help support our community in more ways than one. We hope you’ll remain flexible while we adjust to changing information this year, but trust that City Fresh is working hard to feed you! We’re all in this together!