CASS continues to operate, but with modified services
Cincinnati Area Senior Services has taken urgent steps to deal with the coronavirus. We’ve made operational adjustments so we can continue to provide crucial service to seniors. At the same time, we’re doing our best to protect their health and the health of our employees while complying with government orders. We’re grateful for the generous offers from community members who want to volunteer to serve seniors. At this time, we cannot accept their offers because of legal restrictions. Volunteers who have contact with seniors are required to pass criminal background checks and receive eight hours of training. We have tried to get those requirements waived but so far have not been successful in doing so. Even though we cannot accept their offers of help now, that situation could change. If so, we will be in touch. Again, we thank those folks who have offered to volunteer. We hope they will continue to support CASS. We typically offer a service to drive seniors to doctors’ appointments. During this crisis, we are limiting that service to seniors who have urgent medical needs. We’ve closed our OTR Senior Center until further notice because of the potential health risk as well as government orders limiting people from being near each other. We cannot interview job candidates at this time, but that situation will change. We’re encouraging job candidates to stay interested in CASS. Job candidates can fill out a job application or provide a resume but we ask that they be patient as they await a response.