City Gospel Mission & COVID-19

Isaiah 42:6 states: “I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations.”

Especially during these trying times, City Gospel Mission will live out this Scripture. We will answer God’s call. We will let Him take us by the hand. We will be a light to the people we serve.

At City Gospel Mission we help the homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair…one life at a time. Helping those in need has been our mission since 1924 and we will continue to serve the people who are relying on us! It’s vital at this time to be that light we are called to be. They are looking to us to continue to be a positive and loving friend.

To date, no known cases of the coronavirus have been identified at City Gospel Mission facilities. To ensure the safety of our guests, staff and volunteers, we are following CDC recommendations for best practices for our shelter. We have developed emergency response plans and other protective measures including but not limited to:

  • We are implementing social distancing measures and additional cleaning routines in our shelter and other facilities.
  • We have asked volunteers who are part of the vulnerable population for this virus (i.e.: over age of 60 or have current health conditions), to not come to the shelter during this uncertain time.
  • We have asked some staff who are able to work from home to do so.
  • We have rescheduled or cancelled all events and group programming until at least April 30.
  • We are closely following directives from local and state leaders so we can act swiftly if need be.

As public places close where the homeless hang out during the day, like libraries, parks and public facilities, we anticipate more people needing meals and services. Our doors will not close and we will continue to serve some of the most vulnerable in our city. The people we serve need your help right now and in the coming months more than ever.

Please pray for protection over City Gospel Mission and the guests we serve, many of whom have underlying health issues that put them at greater risk.

Please give. To provide the homeless with critical services like meals, shelter and care, they are relying on your and our help. Will you help them now when they need it most by giving to City Gospel Mission today? To give, click here

Please volunteer. We have a need for volunteers to provide meals for our shelter residents. Meals can be prepared in our kitchen, or dropped off at the shelter. For everyone’s safety, we are limiting volunteer interactions with shelter guests. If you do volunteer with us to prepare meals at our shelter in the coming months, you must be under the age of 60 and healthy (no underlying health conditions and not been around anyone who is sick). To volunteer or learn more, click here. Questions? Email [email protected].

Please donate goods. Please consider helping in other ways. We are in great need of donated food and supplies to so we can create bagged lunches. Learn more about food items needed here. We also need thermometers, bleach, gloves, paper towels, disinfectant wipes/sprays, and hand sanitizer. Items can be dropped off at 1805 Dalton Avenue.

Thank you for remaining faithful with your support and prayers. Most importantly, thank you for standing firm on God’s promises with us. He is good and faithful.

In His Service,
Roger Howell

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