COVID-19, You, and Pets
We know there’s a lot of conflicting information on the internet and social media outlets when it comes to COVID-19.
Dr. Anna M. van Heeckeren, Founder, President, & CEO of One Health Organization, is a trusted professional who knows all too well how lung diseases can spread. Her education and experience working with scientists, doctors, and veterinarians have allowed her to identify credible sources about the virus. Visit COVID-19, You, and Pets, a free resource that Dr. Anna created on the One Health Organization website for those with pets.
As the pandemic unfolded, Dr. Anna contacted the Veterinary Partners who provide care to people with pets served by One Health Organization. She wanted to better understand their current challenges and help them keep providing essential care in this changing environment.
If you’d like help make veterinary care accessible for people and pets in need, please consider giving a donation to One Health Organization. Thank you for your kind consideration – your generosity will make all the difference!
Here’s the link to the credible information that Dr. Anna collected for those with pets: