Connected to Organization --- not set --- Opportunity Title DescriptionDuring the last few months of the 2019-2020 school year, Breakthrough Schools, along with schools across Ohio, were shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Breakthrough’s model education leaders began meeting virtually to create the initial virtual learning plan, and established a suggested schedule for remote learning, identified select online resources, and built out core structures. This grew into the 2020 Breakthrough Distance Learning Plan. The Plan outlined remote working expectations, family outreach plans, and device distribution. We made sure that every student had a working device and internet access to participate in the program. 500 hotspots were purchased to be distributed to families in need, and we connected with local organizations to assist some of our families in gaining online connectivity. Breakthrough offered distance learning plans through the end of the school year and plans to continue to offer online resources over the summer for our students. The Breakthrough Scholars’ Victory Fund was established to lead us to positive outcomes as we navigate this unfamiliar terrain. Donations from the Victory Fund are being used to provide the technology necessary for our current and new families being enrolled. This is guaranteeing them the chance to continue to learn remotely throughout the summer and into the 2020-2021 school year. We are making sure that EVERY family in our network has access to the best education under the circumstances and the Breakthrough Scholar’s Victory Fund is helping to make that possible! Link to Learn More Text for Learn More Button Ways to Help Tags Type - In-person or Virtual plus other(s) In-person Virtual Answer Calls Collect Donations Delivery Food Distribution Food Packing Foster Animals Hotline Staff Indoor Maintenance Note Writing Other Outdoor Phone Calling Project-based Proofreading Research Skills-based Tech Support Tutoring Writing Ages 12-15 16-18 55+ Adults (18+) Child with Adult Children (5-12) Groups Corporate Teams Families Groups (10+) Groups (2-10) Individuals How Often One-time Ongoing Recurring Training Formal None On-site Skilled When Anytime Evenings Weekdays Weekends-- Parent -- Add New Keep Visible Until: