900 Cleveland Ave Nw, Canton, OH 44702
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Our missionArtsinStark mission is to use the arts to create smarter kids, new jobs, and healthier communities.

Arts in Stark

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About usArtsinStark is a 50-year-0ld non-profit that uses the arts to create smarter kids, new jobs, and healthier communities. We run the Annual Arts Campaign to raise money for all the arts. We own the Cultural Center for the Arts. We put the SmArts Program and Genius Project into the schools. We revitalize downtowns: Arts District, First Fridays, 20/20 Vision. Over the last 12 years, we’ve awarded $13 million in grants to the 7 largest arts groups — and another $2 million to 900 small non-profits, artists, and schools. We reach 200,000 people every year. And, ArtsinStark is a winner of the Governor’s Award for the Arts.
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