Athens Area Mediation Service

396 Richland Ave, Athens, OH 45701
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Our missionWe recognize that conflict is a universal human experience and we exist to empower people, families, and organizations to respond effectively to disagreements. It is our belief that proactive conflict resolution, consensus building, and cooperative problem solving skills will increase the quality of life for our friends and neighbors while supporting reconciliation and creating open, honest dialogues that prevent future conflicts from occurring.

Athens Area Mediation Service

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How you helpOur wonderful group of volunteers help to do the work of mediation. Together we strive to build a more peaceful future with less conflict and more agreements.
About usWhen communication gets tough, Athens Area Mediation Service (AAMS) is here to help people in conflict. Conflict may arise within families or organizations, or between couples, co-workers, friends, etc. We have three mediators who have the Ohio Supreme Court approved Domestic Relations training. We are here to listen and help people have important conversations and resolve disputes.
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