Broadway School of Music & the Arts

5415 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, OH 44127
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Our missionTo enrich the lives of people by providing access to high-quality, diverse arts and music instruction and programming.

Broadway School of Music & the Arts

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About usGuided by its core values of confidence-building, enrichment, empowerment, education, community building, quality and accessibility, BSMA seeks to provide such arts educational opportunities to all individuals regardless of age, race, religion, level of ability, or financial means, a philosophy shared by the 450+ members of the National Guild for Community Arts Education, to which BSMA belongs. To facilitate access to arts instruction and programming, many of BSMA's programs are free or low-cost and increasingly provided at partner sites to reach more people and serve diverse audiences. With a developing focus on serving the Greater Cleveland community, BSMA has also prioritized a leadership role in the renewal of its distressed Slavic Village neighborhood, recognizing that arts participation can engender hope, improve lives and strengthen the fabric of urban communities.
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