Catholic Residential Services

635 W 7th St #401, Cincinnati, OH 45203
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Our missionCatholic Residential Services is a nonprofit agency providing residential services to adults with intellectual disabilities. We are dedicated to fostering the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical growth of each individual in our care.

Catholic Residential Services

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Ways to help

CRS Volunteer

You could help out at any number of community activities! Water fitness classes, holiday parties, art nights or playing basketball, are just a few of the fun activities you could join throughout the year!
  • One-time, Occasional, Monthly
  • Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • None
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpVolunteers are welcome to join us as individuals or in small groups. Opportunities would include set up, implementation and clean up of activities. These could include weekly activities like art or game nights, playing sports or even special one time events like dances or holiday parties.
About usFor each resident in out services we provide assistance with all aspects of daily living, according to the needs of that individual. Staff support residents with daily tasks in order to maintain health and safety but also take advantage of teachable moments in order to promote independence.
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