Our mission | CAA uses a broad range of public and private resources to give low- and moderate-income individuals the opportunity to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and their communities. |
Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency
Ways to help | VolunteerCAA welcomes volunteers with a variety of backgrounds, talents, interests and skill levels. Our needs may vary depending on the season, but we will make every attempt to find an opportunity best suited for you. Opportunities include events and CAA Programs. |
How you help | Through our network of donors, employees and volunteers, we help reduce poverty, increase self-sufficiency and improve the community by providing resources for people to create healthier, better lives and achieve their full potential. |
About us | The Community Action Agency - Cincinnati | Hamilton County (CAA) is a private, nonprofit organization that offers various services to low-income individuals and families in a holistic approach to help lift them out of poverty. The agency provides a safety net for those who have fallen and a ladder for those who are climbing. Among the services or programs we offer are job training, housing assistance, heating assistance, entrepreneurial coaching, Head Start and Early Head Start. |
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