Cincinnati Horticultural Society (CHS)

7800 Indian Hill Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45243
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Our missionThe mission of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society is to improve the quality of life through horticulture throughout the Greater Cincinnati area.

Cincinnati Horticultural Society (CHS)

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Ways to help


We invite you to join us in making Greater Cincinnati a more verdant and beautiful community. Volunteers can assist with events and educational programs.
  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpThe Cincinnati Horticultural Society (CHS) is all-volunteer organization. We could not do it without your dedication to our mission.
About usThe Cincinnati Horticultural Society (CHS) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization established in 1989 to produce horticultural exhibitions that are a benchmark for excellence. CHS is committed to nurturing the relationship between children and the natural world through our programs like Fresh Air School, Agriculture Education Day and the Children’s Potting Program. The CHS has also provided financial resources, counsel, support, and in some cases the labor for projects to improve public spaces. In addition, CHS hosts events throughout the year and has created awards programs to acknowledge horticultural achievement.
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