Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame & Museum

Joe Nuxhall Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202
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Our missionOur core purpose is to record, preserve and promote the rich history and traditions of the Cincinnati Reds, honor on-field accomplishments and achievements, and create an everlasting memorial to baseball and the Cincinnati Reds.

Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame & Museum

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Ways to help

Volunteer Ambassadors

As a volunteer, you will greet and orient guests to the museum's layout and resources. Assist with Great American Ball Park tours. Assist with school groups (grades K-12) by leading tours through the museum. Actively engage guests by using interactive exhibits, baseball artifacts, and interpretive techniques. Staff merchandise stations on game days in both the museum and ballpark. Assist with the set-up and production of on-site and off-site special events. Research content for future museum exhibits and museum. archives
  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Office work, Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpVolunteer Ambassadors are a vital part of our Hall of Fame & Museum. Without this special group of dedicated people, Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame & Museum would not be able to fulfill its mission of "Celebrating Greatness, Preserving History, Providing Inspiration."
About usInteractive, historical museum dedicated to recording, preserving, celebrating, and showcasing the rich history of the Cincinnati Reds.
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