Our mission | To seek and share inspiration. We will engage audiences and community better than any other orchestra in the world. |
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Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Ways to help | Student AmbassadorStudents complete fun and socially interactive tasks around their campus and the Cincinnati area to help raise awareness about the CSO and promote upcoming concerts.Marketing SupportHelp raise awareness about the CSO & upcoming performances by distributing posters to business and organizations around the city and tabling at local events.Concert Enhancement VolunteerHelp ensure each and every guest has an unforgettable concert experience at all CSO, Pops, and May Festival performances by greeting, directing to specific locations, and assisting in the gift shop.Musical Education VolunteerAssist with Lollipops Family Concerts, Young People's Concerts, Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra events, and Music Labs, where volunteer musicians work with children of all ages to their love of music and instrumental talents. |
How you help | Volunteers at the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra help make what we do possible. Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers for their continued dedication to the arts in Cincinnati! |
About us | The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, which also performs as the Cincinnati Pops, is one of America’s finest and most versatile ensembles. With a determination for greatness and a rich tradition that dates back over 120 years, the internationally acclaimed CSO attracts the best musicians, artists and conductors from around the world to Cincinnati. |
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