Our mission | The mission of the Fairfield Volunteer Response (FAVOR) program is to provide a direct link between the City and its citizens by offering a wide range of volunteer activities to help individuals become involved with their City government, assist City staff, and become goodwill ambassadors for the City. |
City of Fairfield – Fairfield Volunteer Response (FAVOR)
Ways to help | Senior Lounge VolunteerWorking with Senior Citizens through the 55-Plus special events or as a greeter in the Senior Lounge.Program VolunteerAssisting Children’s Programs such as the KITS Summer Musical, Let’s Go Hiking and other nature programs, and more!RASKALS VolunteerRASKALS: Random Acts of Simple Kindness Affecting Local Seniors is a program for individuals and groups to help Fairfield seniors. Twice each year, in April and November, teams of volunteers go out into Fairfield to help our local Seniors with basic yard clean-up.Adopt-a-Roadway/Adopt-a-ParkAdopt-a-Roadway or Adopt-a-Park is a program that utilizes volunteers to help clean up our streets and parks.Community Arts Center UsherUshering for theatre productions in the Community Arts Center.Mail CourierDelivering Interdepartmental Mail as a Courier for the City.Event VolunteerHelping Seasonal Events for our Parks and Recreation Department, such as the Fine Arts Fair, Red, White and Kaboom!, Touch-a-Truck, Farm-R-Treat, Light Up Fairfield and more! |
How you help | Volunteers come from all walks of life, all ages and all backgrounds. People with professional, technical and clerical work experience volunteer. Retirees and those who are still employed are part of the volunteer program, along with students of all ages and non-Fairfield residents. From cleaning up City parks to working as couriers, Volunteers work to make a difference throughout the year. |
About us | The City of Fairfield’s Volunteer Program was established in 1994. Volunteer positions are developed as needs are identified in discussions with designated Parks staff and Department Heads. |
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