Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center

11635 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106
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Our missionCleveland Hearing and Speech Center provides speech-language, hearing, language interpreting, and Deaf services. We advocate for equal access to information and communication and value all individuals' language choices equally.

Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center

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About usEstablished in 1921, Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center (CHSC) is the oldest nonprofit hearing, speech, and deafness organization in the country. CHSC connects those with special communication needs to a wide range of services so that they can live independent, healthy and fulfilling lives. Through our Speech-Language and Learning services, Audiology services and Community Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, we serve more than 13,000 clients each year, regardless of their ability to pay. CHSC provides assessments and therapy at our locations in University Circle, Broadview Heights, Lyndhurst and Westlake, as well as through outreach to homes, schools, and other community sites.
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