Cleveland Metroparks

4101 Fulton Pkwy, Cleveland, OH 44144
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Our missionCleveland Metroparks will conserve significant natural resources and enhance people’s lives by integrating high-quality outdoor education, recreation and zoological opportunities into people’s lives.

Cleveland Metroparks

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About usCleveland Metroparks was established July 23, 1917 to provide open green space for the residents of Cuyahoga County and to preserve the various wonders of the region’s natural landscape. Today, the Park District consists of 23,800+ acres in 18 reservations and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Cleveland Metroparks is often referred to as the Emerald Necklace because it encircles the City of Cleveland and its communities with diverse greenspace of natural beauty and ecosystems. Cleveland Metroparks works to educate visitors on the nature that is in their own backyard and to provide new nature-based educational experiences for all ages. Cleveland Metroparks serves over 47,000,000 million visitors each year.
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