Cleveland Museum of Natural History

1 Wade Oval Dr, Cleveland, OH 44106
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Our missionTo inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health and leadership to a sustainable future.

Cleveland Museum of Natural History

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How you helpMore than 300 volunteers graciously donate over 34,000 hours of service across 20+ departments every year. From volunteering behind the scenes in Collections & Research to working directly with our guests, we do our best to match the best position for each volunteer.
About usWhen you visit the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, you become part of a tradition of science and exploration nearly 100 years in the making! Known as a great place for families and children, the Museum is also a center for world-class scientific research. A tradition that began with a small group of curious Clevelanders continues today, here in our labs and around the world.
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