Courage to Caregivers

46 Plaza Dr, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
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Our missionThe mission of Courage to Caregivers is to provide hope, support, and courage to caregivers and loved ones of those living with mental illness.

Courage to Caregivers

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About usCourage to Caregivers works to support caregivers by equipping them with life skills to build stronger coping strategies and resilience. We know that when caregivers take better care of themselves, they provide better care to those they love. We see ourselves in the caregiver burnout prevention business. Being a caregiver to someone living with mental illness is hard on a "good" or "regular" day, leaving caregivers feeling isolated and alone. Due to the uncertainty and fear amidst COVID-19, and the complications of “physical distancing”, the demand has increased for services to support mental illness caregivers. Now, more than ever, it is essential to connect and support caregivers. We have three programs to support mental illness caregivers: One-to-One Caregiver (Peer) Support, as well as Breathing Meditation classes and Support Groups (held weekly - now virtually).
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