Dramakinetics of Cincinnati

4222 Hamilton Ave Cincinnati, OH 45223
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Our missionEngaging individuals of all abilities through movement, music and drama to help empower all individuals to reach their full potential!

Dramakinetics of Cincinnati

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Ways to help

Instructor's Assistant

Lend a helping hand to our instructors with performing arts classes.
  • Occasional
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpHelp with a performing arts integration method for the benefit of all.
About usDramakinetics is an instructional method that uses performing arts (drama, dance, and music) in several ways. It allows us to use our body, voice and imagination to express ourselves creatively and to learn ways to be more confident, better friends, and to learn new information and skills.
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