Our mission | Our vision is to transform communities to be safe, vibrant, economically secure, and self-sustaining. |
East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation
How you help | We love to have the help of individuals, churches, community groups and civic organizations! During the warmer months of the year, EANDC organizes neighborhood cleanup events, public meetings and other special events. These events are key to our efforts to revitalize East Akron, a neighborhood hard hit by vacancy and foreclosure. Whether it means mowing vacant lots, removing trash, planting flowers or helping with events like the East Akron Jubilee, these volunteering opportunities generate enthusiasm and pride in the neighborhood. |
About us | Everyone should be proud of their home and their community. We offer a variety of services designed to make your life as a homeowner (or future homeowner) easier. These include a homebuyers education course, a financial fitness course, an energy auditing program, and foreclosure counseling. |
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