12200 Fairhill Rd, Cleveland, OH 44120
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Our missionFairhill Partners connects people to opportunities for lifelong learning, intergenerational relationships, and successful aging.

Fairhill Partners

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About usAt Fairhill Partners, we are devoted to promoting healthy aging and strong communities by helping Greater Clevelanders take charge of their health, their lives, and their neighborhoods. We offer weekly education and support group sessions for Kinship Caregivers and Adult Family Caregivers. Throughout the year, we offer “Take Charge of Your Health!” workshops at neighborhood locations in Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, and Medina counties. These evidence-based workshops help older adults prevent falls and better manage their long-lasting health conditions and their lives. Access Your Benefits, our benefit enrollment center, helps older adults, and adults with disabilities, find out if they are eligible and get help applying for needed benefits. In addition, Fairhill Partners offers a monthly Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market and non-perishable food box distribution. The Senior Guest House, located on the Fairhill Partners campus, provides a safe, temporary place to stay for first-time homeless adults aged 60+ while they work to stabilize their health and finances and locate permanent housing. We offer a wide variety of fitness classes and equipment in our “Yes I Can!” Fitness Center. Fairhill Partners also leases commercial office and event space in its main building. More than 40 organizations with like-minded goals lease office space in the main building. On its 9.65 acre campus, Fairhill Partners also rents residential townhouses and apartments in Kinship Village, a totally renovated, environmentally friendly community for adults age 55+, and the children they are raising.
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