Our mission | FamiliesFORWARD helps children develop the attitudes and behaviors necessary to become productive, independent and responsible citizens through a school-based, family-centered program. |
Ways to help | Volunteer TutoringFamiliesFORWARD is always in search of volunteer tutors who would enjoy working one-on-one or in small groups with students. Companies, college students, and others are all welcome to give their time to help students who are struggling to understand reading, math and other learning concepts.Homework Help ProgramThe intensive Homework Help program uses certified teachers (often retired) to reteach math and literacy skills through the homework designated by students’ daytime classroom teachers. Tutors typically work with small groups of students several times a week.21st Century VolunteerWe are searching certified teachers that are interested in participating in Homework Help. |
How you help | Volunteer tutors often express how rewarding it is to go to the schools to help these children. With so many needs, FamiliesFORWARD knows it couldn’t fulfill its mission without people giving of themselves. |
About us | FamiliesFORWARD is a neighborhood-based resource center for schools, students and their families, and the community. Currently, our After-School Program serves Bond Hill Academy of Math and Science Discovery, Carson School, Hays-Porter School and Withrow University High School. Our professional staff members help every child in the schools to build on his or her strengths and overcome challenges. We also encourage, support and teach parents to be the best that they can be as they help their children become better students and ambassadors for their neighborhoods. |
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