Family Connections

19824 Sussex Rd, Shaker Heights, OH 44122
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Our missionFamily Connections engages families with young children to nurture social connections, enhance child development and improve school readiness.

Family Connections

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About usFamily Connections of Northeast Ohio has been helping families grow stronger together for over 35 years by providing parenting support and educational opportunities for families with children from birth through age 6. We offer year-round, free and low cost programs and services for families and children to learn and play together. Our family literacy playrooms provide a dedicated time for parents and caregivers to play with their children in literacy-rich environments. These playrooms demonstrate how simple, interactive play, conversation, and everyday activities can make all the difference for school readiness. We provide all parents with the opportunity to cultivate relationships, within and between families, and build connections. Whether it be in our playrooms, in the classrooms, or in homes, Family Connections programs link parents to community resources. We also offer information on child development and parenting. Family Connections works with families during the critical transition into kindergarten, follows them through their kindergarten experience, and leads them towards success into first grade. Meeting families where they are, our programs provide opportunities for parents and children to engage in activities together that strengthen literacy, and help with developing reading, math, and social skills.
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