Friars Club of Cincinnati

4300 Vine St Cincinnati, OH 45217-1542
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Our missionFriars Club is a 158-year old non-profit social service organization dedicated to serving the special needs of Cincinnati’s at-risk children through organized sports, education, nutrition and fitness.

Friars Club of Cincinnati

0 Reviews
Ways to help


Our Learning Center offers free academic tutoring during the school year for children in our sports, academic or leadership programs. We offer assistance for children ages 5-17. Our focus is two-fold: help students with their schoolwork, assignments and/or projects and to communicate with each student’s teacher and work together to improve in whatever subject the student is having difficulty. Our tutors are dedicated and knowledgeable high school and college students.
  • Weekly
  • Teens, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings


We build character and promote values for over 700 boys and girls K-8th grades through organized sports. Volunteers help mentor and teach the children of the Friars Club. The Friars children all come from varied socio-economic backgrounds and are coached in life skills and the fundamentals of basketball.
  • Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings

Game Assistants

Game assistants with keeping score for weekend games.
  • Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekends
How you helpVolunteers are essential to allowing Friars to serve over 1000 children annually!
About usToday, Friars continues to provide organized athletics (basketball, baseball and volleyball), education and leadership programming for over 1000 boys and girls ages 4-17. All programs focus on values of respect, responsibility, leadership and good sportsmanship. These programs are athletic in nature but academic in purpose, resulting in long-lasting fun memories and friendships, teaching valuable life skills. Friars’ instruction and guidance builds healthy bodies, minds and spirits by bolstering self-esteem and self-discipline, while at the same time, reinforcing positive behavior and addressing nutritional needs.
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