Our missionFriends of Batahola supports, sustains and promotes the Cultural Center of Batahola Norte in Managua, Nicaragua, through prayer, financial assistance, solidarity and building community, there by responding to the call of the Gospel.

Friends of Batahola

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About usIn 1983, Sr. Margarita Navarro, CSJ, originally of Cincinnati, OH and Fr. Angel Torrellas,OP, a missionary from Spain, founded the Cultural Center of Batahola Norte. She asked Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ to help keep the Center functioning. Sister Helen gathered together several mutual friends and in 2001, the group became the Board of the Friends of Batahola. They organized under United Stated federal law as a not-for-profit education organization for the strict purpose of raising funds to support the Cultural Center.The mission of the Center is to be an arts, culture and educational institution committed to the development of our community and those whose socio-economic, gender and generational condition and position leave them most vulnerable. We strive to be recognized for the competence, efficiency and efficacy of our actions, because our staff team is capable and committed to our mission, vision, values and principles, displaying a spirit of solidarity free from all types of discrimination toward the population we work with.
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