6430 Inner Mission Way, Dayton, OH 45459
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Our missionGraceworks Lutheran Services helps people experience dignity and wholeness in relationship with God, family and community.

Graceworks Lutheran Services

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How you helpGraceworks volunteers are instrumental in helping us fulfill our mission to serve and support people in challenging and changing circumstances. You can join many great people in the area who choose to get involved and help out. It takes a special person to come in and volunteer, and we’re always looking for more smiling faces. Do you enjoy helping others to make their day a little easier and more enjoyable? Let’s talk! We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us to see how we can work together to make Graceworks the very best for our deserving people.
About usGraceworks Lutheran Services will be a leader in offering services and settings that inspire and support a sense of home when people experience challenging and changing circumstances related to aging and living with disabilities.
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