Greater Cincinnati Police Museum

308 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45202
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Our missionThe mission of The Greater Cincinnati Police Historical Society is to convey an understanding of aspects and history of law enforcement.

Greater Cincinnati Police Museum

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How you helpThe all-volunteer staff continues to work to conserve and enhance the historic environment of law enforcement, broaden public access, and increase understanding of policing now and in the past.
About usThe Museum obtains artifacts and researches the history of more than one hundred local, township, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies serving more than 600 documented communities in Boone, Butler, Campbell, Clermont, Dearborn, Hamilton, Kenton, and Warren Counties of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. We aspire to become the area’s principal repository for related artifacts by operating a library, archives and research facility which will encourage study into and inspire appreciation of law enforcement.
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