Our mission | Design, create, implement and sustain a year round Local Food System in the Greater Hamilton, OH Metropolitan Area. Including: growing, processing, and distributing organic locally grown food; and educating the citizens of Butler County on the health benefits of a sustainable Local Food System. |
COVID-19 Impact |
Hamilton Urban Garden System (HUGS)
Ways to help | Event StaffAre you a social butterfly? Volunteer to sit at the HUGS booth at Farmer’s Markets or community events like Operation Pumpkin, where you engage folks, spread the word about the organization, and sell produce.Open Board PositionsHUGS wouldn’t be where it is without the support of a multi-talented and passionate board. Board terms are two years and fulfill necessary leadership roles in marketing, finance, social media, grants and gardening. Support or advice for the board in any of these areas is always welcomed.Produce DeliveryBe the proud delivery person for the beautiful herbs and produce from HUGS garden.Community Garden AssistanceAid in the installation of gardens and teach youth how cool it is to grow their own food!Washing and Packing FacilityVolunteers will be needed to prepare harvested produce for sale.Front Street GardenVolunteers assist in prepping and maintaining the garden. These volunteers also assist at harvest time. Work varies depending on the season. |
How you help | We are a group of individuals looking to make an impact in our community, which is most effectively achieved when we collaborate with others to make things happen. HUGS is run entirely by volunteers ready to jump in, roll their sleeves up, and make a difference! |
About us | HUGS is a non profit organization located in Hamilton, Ohio USA. We are dedicated to urban agriculture, community gardening , health and nutritional education, non-traditional gardening methods and improving access to affordable food. We have installed dozens of organic urban gardens; manage and garden in the Commerce Park Community Garden and the South Front Street Community Garden; managed and participate in several area farmers’ markets; were instrumental in getting Hamilton’s Urban Agricultural Ordinance passed; and given scores of organic gardening, self-reliance, and health and nutrition learning sessions throughout Butler County. |
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