Healthy Roots Foundation

3448 Uright Pl, Cincinnati, OH 45208-2547
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Our missionOur mission is to provide families with the knowledge to make the best choices to raise healthy children.

Healthy Roots Foundation

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Ways to help

Concert Volunteer

Blue Grass for Babies concert volunteer.
  • One-time
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Groups (10+), Corporate Teams, Families
  • Physical, Event support, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Evenings, Weekends
How you helpVolunteers for the Bluegrass for Babies concert help us raise money to support our mission. We achieve our mission through supporting pioneering prenatal and pediatric preventative health research and creating innovative prenatal and pediatric health education programs and events. Our research, education and outreach come together at our signature fundraising events: Bluegrass for Babies and Midsummer Harvest.
About usAfter experiencing the intense anxiety of having a critically ill baby, we decided to turn our annual backyard bluegrass party into a family-friendly fundraising event that benefited children’s health through the amazing institution that is Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. In September 2009, our organization was founded as Bluegrass for Babies, Inc. The original mission of Bluegrass for Babies was to help improve children’s health through raising funds for the Perinatal Institute of Cincinnati Children’s. In order to help bridge the health education gap, our organization evolved into a robust, multi-layered non profit rooted in the mission of providing families with the knowledge to make the best choices to raise healthy children. As a result, our Board of Directors decided that we needed an overarching identity that reflected our educational impact—and the Healthy Roots Foundation was born in 2014.
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