9990 Zig Zag Rd Montgomery, OH 45242-6339
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Our missionHealthy Visions works to educate and equip youth, ages 12 to 18, with the critical thinking skills and knowledge needed to make healthier behavioral choices and to develop stronger relationships.

Healthy Visions

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Ways to help


Help youth create a pathway to success through an evidence-based mentoring curriculum
  • Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays
How you helpVolunteers make a positive impact on the lives on local teens.
About usOver thirty years, Healthy Visions has grown into one of the most dynamic organizations in the area that connects with students in an effort to improve their lives and change their stories. Our in-classroom presentations and eLearning program has given rise to mentoring initiatives, reaching out to more schools, and impacting more students than ever before. As the organization continues to grow, the message of love, redemption, and hope will only increase!
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