Our mission | At Hospice of Southwest Ohio, we are dedicated to providing quality comfort care and support in meeting the medical, emotional, spiritual and psychological needs of our patients, families, caregivers, staff and community in a way that affirms life and supports choices in an environment of dignity and respect. |
Hospice of Southwest Ohio
Ways to help | VolunteerOur volunteers help run errands, read to patients and provide companionship, while others help handle administrative duties for our hospice staff. Volunteer opportunities include: patient care visits, pet visits, musician visits, general companionship, and administrative support. |
How you help | Our volunteers make a real difference in the lives of our patients and their families. With a willingness to support those in need, Hospice of Southwest Ohio's volunteers build meaningful relationships with those who need a sweet smile, a warm hug or someone to simply listen. |
About us | Hospice of Southwest Ohio is a dedicated, professional care provider for those in need. With helping hands and open hearts, Hospice of Southwest Ohio provides care, comfort and compassion for those facing a life-limiting illness. We have a dedicated team of nurses, caregivers and volunteers whose main goal is to keep your loved ones at peace – in a place surrounded by care and compassion. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for people who are suffering, along with their families and loved ones. |
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