Inner City Youth Opportunities

1821 Summit Rd #210, Cincinnati, OH 45237
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Our missionInner City Youth Opportunites mission is to teach practical life skills to develop responsible, educated and caring youth.

Inner City Youth Opportunities

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How you helpWe are very grateful for your interest in supporting Cincinnati’s inner city youth. Volunteering is one of the best ways to have first – hand knowledge of Inner City Youth Opportunities and how its programs work to help inner city children.
About usInner City Youth Opportunities provides after school homework assistance and tutoring, cultural and educational field trips, as well as summer tennis camp to students from Cincinnati's inner city. Based in Cincinnati, Ohio we have been improving the lives of kids from troubled neighborhoods since 1993. Inner City Youth Opportunities’ programs provide at-risk, low income children in grades K – 4 living within the City of Cincinnati limits a safe, nurturing environment to spend after school and summer hours – times when they are typically unsupervised by parents or guardians. There is no charge to any of the families for ICYO programs and services.
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