Jose Cerda Aquatic Foundation

1253 Mason, OH 45040-0000
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Our missionSupport swimming and water polo teams improve competitiveness of their athletes and foster unity across teams.

Jose Cerda Aquatic Foundation

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Ways to help


Help make our events successful!
  • One-time
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpJCAF is run 100% by volunteers- there are no paid positions in the Board, or from Directors all the way to administrative functions. This shows how vital volunteers are to our non-profit and their impact! Thanks to the magnanimous support of wonderful individuals and organizations in the community, JCAF has benefited more than 2,250 student athletes contributing over $100,000 and 3,500 volunteer hours to support swimming and water polo since its inception in late 2010.
About usThe José Cerdá Aquatic Foundation (JCAF) was established to honor José’s memory, benefiting the sports he loved and promoting the character traits by which he lived. With the help of donors and supporters, this non-profit organization funds or sponsors clinics, tournaments, camps and local teams to promote excellence in swimming and water polo.
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