JVS Career Services

4540 Cooper Rd #300, Blue Ash, OH 45242
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Our missionConnecting employees and employers, strengthening Cincinnati. Our Vision: To be the leader in delivering meaningful employment opportunities for all in Cincinnati.

JVS Career Services

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Ways to help

Volunteer Mentor

As a Mentor, you might be called on to assist a client with mock interviewing, resume critiquing and networking. Mentors also share job leads with JVS Career Services.
  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Skilled
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpWe recognize the skills and value the experiences of past clients and community members. When they join us as volunteers they expand our network and allow us to provide services to more individuals.
About usJVS Career Services is an organization that supports the Cincinnati community by helping job-seeking individuals and companies find each other and form stronger, more satisfying and more productive relationships. We work with people who are unemployed, under-employed or unhappily employed. We work with employers who are looking for skilled, motivated people. And we put them together. Our approach is person-centered. Our staff is highly skilled and passionate about what they do. Our network is wide, and we know how to leverage it.
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