2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
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Our missionLake Erie Ink provides creative expression opportunities and academic support to youth in the Greater Cleveland community.

Lake Erie Ink

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Items we need now

Our Wish List

Lake Erie Ink relies on the support of volunteers and donors to make our programs possible.  Below is a list of items we currently need:

The Big Stuff


laptop computer

portable dishwasher

Display easel stands 

The Small Stuff

Gift cards to bookstores, grocery stores (Marc’s), office supply, electronics, or art stores.Reams of colored or white paper

Board Games such as Bananagrams, Scrabble, Apples to Apples, Pictionary, etc.

Magazine subscriptionsBooks (From intermediate level to young adult)–Fiction, poetry, reference, graphic novels, etc.Composition books and spiral notebooksOther paper goodsPosterboardArt Supplies If you think we might be able to use it, please ask! 

Contact Us

[email protected] / 216-320-4757
  • In-Kind Donations
Learn More
How you helpYou can get involved with Lake Erie Ink in a variety of ways. We welcome volunteers of all ages, from 15 to 100. Volunteers may choose to work with youth directly or help with other aspects of Lake Erie Ink, like editing and publications.
About usSince 2011, Lake Erie Ink has served more than 2500 youth in the Cleveland community in schools and other youth serving sites, by providing high-quality, literacy and creative writing activities that develop and nurture students’ self confidence, writing fluency, self-expression, and critical thinking skills. LEI provides a safe and nurturing place for youth to grow creatively and to connect with peers during out of school time, as well as offering opportunities for youth to develop as writers during in school residencies. LEI programs increase youths' self confidence and ability to communicate and connect positively with peers and adults.
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