Leadership Toledo

316 Adams St, Toledo, OH 43604
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Our missionTo inspire community volunteerism and expand awareness of community issues.

Leadership Toledo

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How you helpLeadership Toledo's Signature Program balances service and volunteerism with personal growth. Participants can develop a deeper understanding of our region, its strengths, and many of the issues it faces. At the same time, they'll have the opportunity to explore their own personal strengths and talents, and use them to improve and enrich our community.
About usLeadership Toledo connects individuals with the community, engaging and involving them with initiatives that make the Toledo region a great place to live, work, and enjoy. Leadership Toledo balances service and volunteerism with personal growth. Through this program, participants can develop a deeper understanding of our region, its strengths, and many of the issues it faces. At the same time, they'll have the opportunity to explore their own personal strengths and talents and use them to improve and enrich our community.
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