Learning Through Art

4721 Reading Rd #310, Cincinnati, OH 45237
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Our missionTo provide quality performing arts programs in support of arts education, literacy, community development and engagement, encouraging multicultural awareness and understanding.

Learning Through Art

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How you helpAre you passionate about our cause? We'd love to have you join us! We have raised over $6 million in funding to support children & families.
About usLearning Through Art, Inc. (LTA) offers programs of cultural arts — the most common bond between people and cultures — to increase opportunities for collaboration, arts education, artistic growth, community engagement, and economic development throughout the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan region and beyond. LTA programs seek to build bridges, break down barriers, and bring neighbors and neighborhoods together in celebration of the rich mosaic beauty of our global multicultural region. Since 1992, we have served over 1,100,000 neighbors, instilling a sense of art appreciation, cultural understanding, and connectedness.
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