Our mission | The mission of the Lebanon Theatre Company is to organize, sponsor, produce and promote high-quality amateur theatrical shows and to provide education to the Warren County area by promoting and developing theatrical arts. |
Lebanon Theatre Company
Ways to help | UsherBecome and usher and help audience members to their seats.Makeup VolunteerHelp our actors by assisting with their makeup application.Poster VolunteerHelp put up posters around the theatre to publicize our upcoming performances.Crew VolunteerHelp construct and paint the set. |
How you help | You can help community theatre grow by becoming involved with Lebanon Theatre Company in a variety of a ways, beyond being a part of our faithful audience. You can become a member of LTC, support LTC as a Patron, and/or volunteer your time in a variety of ways. |
About us | LTC provides programming for all ages, from theatre camps and shows highlighting young actors to dramas, comedies, and musicals for adults. We are located in Historic Downtown Lebanon and are proud of our heritage. |
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