Our mission | The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. |
American Red Cross-Miami Valley Chapter Troy Office
Ways to help | Hands-Only CPRPresenters facilitate a 30-minute presentation on compression only CPR. While this does not lead to a certificate as in a standard CPR course, this program helps prepare others for a sudden emergency with this life-saving skillDisaster Action TeamBe part of a team that responds to local disasters to make sure the clients have food, clothing and shelter. The firemen take care of the burning house, it's the Red Cross' job to take care of the people. You can be that person to help someone in their time of need.Ready Rating AdvisorsPresentations are offered to promote our free Ready Rating website https://www.readyrating.org/ that guides businesses, schools, and organizations to become better before emergencies and more resilient after emergencies. By working with groups such as these, we foster both individual and family preparedness.Pillow Case ProjectSince 2013, The Pillowcase Project has reached more than 1 million students across the country and on U.S. military bases abroad. Created in New Orleans, the program was inspired by university students who carried their belongings in pillowcases during evacuations for Hurricane Katrina. It’s also a key component of the national Red Cross Home Fire Campaign, which has saved 1063 lives with community partners since launching in 2014.Be Red Cross ReadyPresenters prepare adults through delivery of training on various topics such as local weather hazards, fire safety, and how to build an emergency preparedness kit. Volunteers offer 30-minute presentations tailored to suit the needs of the audienceSound the AlarmCampaign Volunteers support fire prevention and save lives throughout our region. Volunteers work in groups of three to install free smoke alarms and provide one on one education to families in their home during rally events or through installations by appointment. We provide the tools, supplies, and training.Prepare with PedroPreparedness education program for grades K-2, is presented by reading a storybook that follows Pedro the Penguin as he learns how to “Be Prepared and Take Action” during an emergency. Pedro storybooks include hazards such as home fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes |
How you help | The humanitarian work that we do at American Red Cross would not be possible without our volunteers. We have a variety of disaster relief volunteer opportunities available, as well as potential positions focused on facility management, health and safety, service to the Armed Forces, and professional specialties like photography, IT, and more. Check out our current volunteer opportunities near you! |
About us | The Miami Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross serves Hardin, Logan, Shelby, Champaign, Clark, Madison, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Darke and Preble counties. |
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