Our mission | The Motherless Daughters Ministry is a Christian organization dedicated to serving women who have lost or missed the nurturing care of a mother. |
Motherless Daughters Ministry, Inc.
Ways to help | Blog WriterWriting to women who have lost or missed the care of a mother, connects you to them on a level that is much deeper than your words. When you write for us, you become part of our “family.” If you decide to write regularly for the MDM (5-6 blogs/year), you will be invited to become a member of the Communications Team.FacilitatorWillingness to be a servant leader to support women onsite and online. Facilitators undergo 30 hours of training and then volunteer at least 100 hours over 2 years to the ministry. Completion of a motherless daughters course is a pre-requisite. |
How you help | We value the commitment of our volunteers and the gift of their time to the ministry. We will equip our servant leaders with the knowledge, skills, and resources to help others. |
About us | The Motherless Daughters Ministry is the premier source for healing women from the wounds of mother loss through Christ-centered, holistic empowerment. We empower motherless daughters to make choices that will help them heal and change the way they look at their past and their future. Empowered motherless daughters decide how they wish to react to the loss instead of letting the loss decide for them. |
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