Our mission | New Foundations Transitional Living is a certified 501c3, non-profit organization providing safe, sober, structured, and supported recovery housing in Cincinnati/Northern KY area to those suffering from substance use disorder. |
COVID-19 Impact |
New Foundations Community Housing
Ways to help | Time, Resources, DonationsAny help is greatly appreciated, in any capacity, no matter how big or small. |
How you help | Our volunteers make up a large part of our organization. From house management to peer supports to folks providing donations and financial contributions, all volunteer to ensure the people who are fighting for their lives have the best possible chance at success. Our goal is to remove any barriers that stand between them and success. |
About us | New Foundations Transitional Living is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recovery housing provider that was established in 2009. We provide fully furnished, move-in ready, recovery housing for those in recovery from alcohol or other substance use disorders. We are certified through National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR) and through OH Recovery Housing (ORH), which means we are committed to providing the best possible program, holding ourselves to a higher standard than regular sober livings, and provide complete transparency to those invested in our organization. We currently have the capacity for 240 program participants throughout Cincinnati and Northern KY, both male and female homes. We started the first Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) homes in 2019. Since then, other homes have opened up and we are proud to be the first that did not and would not discriminate based on medication. |
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