Ohio Living Home Health & Hospice - Greater Cleveland

38879 Mentor Ave Suite A, Willoughby, OH 44094
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Our missionOhio Living's mission is to provide adults with caring and quality services toward the enhancement of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being consistent with the Christian Gospel.

Ohio Living Home Health & Hospice – Greater Cleveland

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About usOhio Living Home Health & Hospice Greater Cleveland provides home health services for homebound patients who need services from skilled nurses, physical therapists, and speech therapists. Home health aides provide care and services to support the care plan. Last year, we provided home health services to 1,329 patients: 873 in Lake, 380 in Cuyahoga, and 76 in Geauga. Hospice service is designed to make patients as comfortable as possible in the place they call home during their end-of-life experience. Our hospice team focuses on giving the patient control of determining their physical, mental, and spiritual needs, and then works with the patient and family members to develop a holistic care plan that includes pain management, symptom control, and bereavement support. Last year, we provided hospice care to 149 patients: 114 in Lake, 18 in Cuyahoga, and 17 in Geauga.
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