Our mission | Ohio Valley Goodwill provides employment and skill training for individuals with disabilities, our nation's veterans and others with barriers to employment. Proceeds from donations sold in our network of 18 retail stores help to fund Goodwill's employment and training programs which help thousands of people to go to work every year. It is only through the generous support of the Greater Cincinnati community that Ohio Valley Goodwill is able to accomplish its important mission of service. |
Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries
Ways to help | High School StudentsVolunteer opportunities with Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries are available for high school students seeking to fulfill civics, government or scholarship needs.Service GuildThe Service Guild are Ohio Valley Goodwill’s most ardent volunteers. The Guild organizes fundraisers and events, volunteers and acts as ambassadors of Goodwill to the Greater Cincinnati community. |
How you help | Volunteers help through community outreach, events, fundraising, and helping in the stores. This helps provide funds to support job placement and skill training programs for individuals with disabilities and our nation's veterans in Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky. |
About us | Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries Helps Individuals Achieve Personal Success! More than two-thirds of all Americans with disabilities do not work. For many individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment, Goodwill Industries offers the challenge of learning about the world of work and the opportunity to develop new skills. Goodwill's support services help individuals to be successful in both personal and work environments. |
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