1427 E 36th St #4206a, Cleveland, OH 44114
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Our missionOpen Doors Academy works to protect, inspire, nurture, and challenge youth to reach their full potential.

Open Doors Academy

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About usODA is a youth development model committed to breaking the cycle of multi-generational poverty. ODA provides out-of-school time academic and enrichment programming to disadvantaged youth in Greater Cleveland. ODA originated in 1992 as a youth drop-in program at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Cleveland Heights, OH, serving Roxboro Middle School students. Today, we operate out of 12 campuses with the capacity to serve over 500 youth and 1,600 family members through our comprehensive pipeline model of 5th grade through post-secondary completion. Since 2009, 100% of our scholars who have participated in three consecutive years of our Middle School Program have graduated high school and 96% have advanced to a post-secondary training option. As we look to the future, ODA strives to become the nation’s leader in out-of-school time education. We are committed to the children, families, and communities that we serve and continue to grow our footprint in Greater Cleveland.
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