6100 Oak Tree Blvd #200, Independence, OH 44131
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Our missionWe are a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people who have suffered trauma and/or loss heal through art therapy, EMDR, and other trauma-informed therapies, improving overall health.

P.A.L.S. for Healing

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Items we need now

Sanitization and Therapy Supplies

To continue to serve high-risk clients at 3 offices and via TeleMental Health safely we are in need of supplies. We and our friends and family are constantly scouring stores for them and could use any help!
  1. Lysol spray/fabric sanitizer spray for art therapy supplies, chairs, and masks
  2. Hand sanitizer
  3. Clorox/Lysol surface cleaner used for surfaces and EMDR equipment, door handles, etc.
  4. 4 plexiglass desk shields would be amazing!
  5. Individual packs of crayons or colored pencils
  6. Reams of paper
  7. Quart and Gallon Ziplock Bags for art therapy kits for home TeleMental Health and to use in the office to reduce possible cross-contamination
  • Item Collection
  • Wishlist - Amazon, etc
About usP.A.L.S. for Healing (Paper. Art Therapy. Letting Go. Self-Actualization) nonprofit organization seeks to empower individuals and families who have suffered trauma or loss to not only regain their lives but achieve their highest human potential. We provide cutting edge trauma-informed therapies for individuals and families including art therapy, EMDR and SITCAP. We also provide education and training for professionals and community helpers empowering them to advocate and help those who have suffered trauma and/or loss achieve optimal health.
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