1776 Columbus Rd, Cleveland, OH 44113
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Our missionPHASTAR is a Northeast Ohio based, non-profit corporation born out of a vision to improve the quality of education and public services in Northeast Ohio.

PHASTAR Corporation

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About usThrough a combined business/education model, PHASTAR is able to offer unique life experiences and learning and training opportunities for high school students, adults seeking to learn new skills. This model affords the chance to not only improve the efficiency and scope of local industry and public services, but also helps to arm local students and adults with the tools to break the cycle of poverty and achieve self-sufficiency. PHASTAR also partners with government, higher education and industry to develop technical training and education initiatives that deliver 21st century job skills and services that support the needs of the Northeast Ohio community. PHASTAR is co-founder of Davis Aerospace and Maritime High School, a Cleveland Metropolitan School District high school featuring aerospace and maritime-themed curriculum.
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