800 E St Clair St, Eaton, OH 45320
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Our missionWe will partner with our community in assuring the best quality of life for our seniors now and into the future.

Preble City Council on Aging

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Ways to help

Senior Companionship Program

This special service is a way we keep “homebound” clients connected with the outside world. Preble County Council on Aging volunteers call to check on an individual daily or as needed. This might be a call to just say “hello, how are you feeling today?” or the volunteer might remind the individual to take their medicine, etc. It’s a way of staying in touch with a person on a friendly and caring level. A volunteer might read a book or newspaper to the individual. Again, this is a way to keep a senior connected to the outside world and have some social time with another person.
  • Occasional, Weekly
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends

Home Delivered Meal Program

The Preble County Council on Aging provides Congregate and Home Delivered Meals to seniors in Preble County.
  • Weekly, Monthly
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Outdoor
  • None, On-site
  • Weekdays
How you helpThere are many volunteer opportunities available through the Preble County Council on Aging Volunteer Program. We prepare holiday food baskets each December for shut-ins and those in need. We serve refreshments at Whispering Christmas at Fort St. Clair Park. Volunteers help with the Thursday Night Weekly Dance, Home Delivered Meals, “Senior Day” and other events and activities. Volunteers help at the Senior Center with the mailing of the bi-monthly “Senior Scene” newsletter, and serve as a host/hostess in our Decade’s Diner. We match you with a volunteer position that you will enjoy.
About usWe’ve been serving our community since 1973. Our Senior Activities Center provides a variety of activities, educational and wellness programs, health screenings, exercise classes, travel, and social activities. Preble County residents that are 60 years of age or better, may take advantage of our in-home and community-based services offered through the Preble County Council on Aging (PCCOA). We offer Transportation Services, In-Home Services, Information & Referral, Home Delivered Meals, Congregate Meals, and Senior Companionship Programs to name a few.
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