Pregnancy Decision Health Centers

665 E Dublin Granville Rd #120, Columbus, OH 43229
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Our missionEmpowering individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life.

Pregnancy Decision Health Centers

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About usPregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC) is a not-for-profit corporation under Ohio law, organized to empower individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life. PDHC fulfills its mission by providing pregnancy testing, limited OB ultrasounds, education in abortion alternative, adoption referrals, parenting classes, material aid support, abortion recovery services for women dealing with difficult emotional aftermaths of an abortion, and provides in school sexual risk avoidance education to over 8,000 students per year. Each of these services are intended to support women in their pregnancy, encourage childbirth, and strengthen healthy families.
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