Our missionWe transform and inspire our community, one breath at a time. We are dedicated to bringing the health and wellness benefits of yoga to underserved and at-risk populations.

Project Yoga

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Ways to help

Teach for Project Yoga

Certified in at least the 200 hour level. Curriculum and lesson plans are designed for each class, maximizing the amount of time for personalizing the practice to students' needs.
  • Weekly, Monthly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Assist for Project Yoga

Assistants need to be certified in at least the 200-hour level. It's a great way to "find your voice" and decide if becoming a lead teacher for a session of classes is right for you.
  • Weekly, Monthly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you helpOver 300 people experience Project Yoga every week. Daily, we at Project Yoga are in awe of how each student finds their "own" practice.
About usProject Yoga is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the therapeutic and healing benefits of yoga to underserved and at-risk communities. We teach our constituents how to reduce stress levels, increase flexibility (in body and mind), and improve their emotional outlook through yoga, mindful breathing and meditation.
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