Our mission | The mission of RePlay for Kids is to increase the availability of toys and assistive devices for children with disabilities. We pursue this mission by repairing existing devices, adapting mainstream toys, designing new devices, and educating families and clinicians. |
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RePlay for Kids
Items we need now | Wish List Items neededYou can order toys from our Amazon Wish List and have them sent to us!If you or your company are interested in donating battery-operated toys, tools, supplies, or other equipment, please send an email to [email protected] , or ship the items to:RePlay for Kids 600 W. Sturbridge Dr. Medina, OH 44256 Learn More |
About us | We fulfill our mission by repairing devices and adapting a wide range of battery-operated toys, therefore increasing not only the number but also the variety of toys and devices that are available for children with disabilities. We host workshops, where volunteers from businesses, schools and the community are taught how to repair or adapt toys. We then provide those toys (for free) to local children with disabilities through local schools, agencies, and families. |
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